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Better Than You Think

If you a dream-chaser like me, chances are you can be incredibly hard on yourself. Always taking on additional projects, striving for success, and never really taking much time to relax. So today I am letting you in on a little secret- not only are you amazing, but you are doing way better than you give yourself credit for.

My hope today is that you can find a bit of calm among the crazy. Drop your shoulders, take a deep breath, and be proud of whatever you have already accomplished. I want you to see all of the progress you have made, and the strengths within your personality that got you there.

Instead of focusing on a mile long to-do list, look back at the check marks and highlights that you already made happen. They may be small victories, but they are significant to your growth and achieving your end goal. YOU are the one making things happen and pushing yourself to better each day. It's okay to take a minute and celebrate, I promise.

Following your dream will never be easy- so please give yourself some credit! Keep moving forward and don't be too hard on yourself. You got this...

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